Squoll | Дата: Суббота, 04.07.2009, 03:57:15 | Сообщение # 1 |
Группа: Пользователи
Сообщений: 9
Статус: Не в сети
| У меня есть вопрос.Что надо изменить и на что, чтобы в даном коде сохранялось в базу данных не steam auth а ip Code #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <zombieplague>
#define USING_SQL #if defined USING_SQL #include <sqlx> #else #include <nvault> #endif
stock const ZP_BANK_FMT[] = "^x04[ZP-BANK]^x01 %L"
new g_iAmmoPacks[33] new g_iSessionMovement[33] new g_szAuth[33][36] new cvAnnounceTime new cvBankMax
#if defined USING_SQL new g_szSQLTable[64], Handle:g_hSQLTuple, g_szQuery[128]
LoadClient(id, szAuth[]) { formatex(g_szQuery, charsmax(g_szQuery), "SELECT amount FROM `%s` WHERE auth='%s'", g_szSQLTable, szAuth)
new cData[37] cData[0] = id copy(cData[1], charsmax(cData)-1, szAuth) SQL_ThreadQuery(g_hSQLTuple, "LoadClient_QueryHandler", g_szQuery, cData, strlen(cData[1])) }
public LoadClient_QueryHandler(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iErrnum, cData[], iSize, Float:fQueueTime) { if(iFailState != TQUERY_SUCCESS) { log_amx("LoadClient(): SQL Error #%d - %s", iErrnum, szError) return } new id = cData[0] static szAuth[36] copy(szAuth, charsmax(szAuth), cData[1]) new iAmmoPacks = 0 if(SQL_NumResults(hQuery)) iAmmoPacks = SQL_ReadResult(hQuery, 0) //SQL_QueryAndIgnore("INSERT INTO `%s` SET auth='%s'", g_szSQLTable, szAuth) g_iAmmoPacks[id] = iAmmoPacks SayText(id, id, ZP_BANK_FMT, id, "ZP_BANK_LOAD", iAmmoPacks, szAuth) }
SaveClient(id, szAuth[]) { new iDifference = g_iSessionMovement[id] formatex(g_szQuery, charsmax(g_szQuery), "INSERT INTO `%s` SET auth='%s', amount=%d ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE amount=amount+(%d)", g_szSQLTable, szAuth, iDifference, iDifference) SQL_ThreadQuery(g_hSQLTuple, "SaveClient_QueryHandler", g_szQuery) }
public SaveClient_QueryHandler(iFailState, Handle:hQuery, szError[], iErrnum, iData[], iSize, Float:fQueueTime) { if(iFailState != TQUERY_SUCCESS) log_amx("SaveClient(): SQL Error #%d - %s", iErrnum, szError) }
#else new g_hVault
LoadClient(id, szAuth[]) { static szValue[32], iTimestamp new iValue = 0 if(nvault_lookup(g_hVault, szAuth, szValue, charsmax(szValue), iTimestamp) && is_str_num(szValue)) iValue = (g_iAmmoPacks[id] = str_to_num(szValue)) SayText(id, id, ZP_BANK_FMT, id, "ZP_BANK_LOAD", iValue, szAuth) }
SaveClient(id, szAuth[]) { static szValue[32] num_to_str(g_iAmmoPacks[id] + g_iSessionMovement[id], szValue, charsmax(szValue)) nvault_set(g_hVault, szAuth, szValue) } #endif
public plugin_init() { register_plugin("[ZP] Ammo Bank", "1.0", "danielkza") register_clcmd("say", "Command_Say") register_dictionary("zp_bank.txt") cvAnnounceTime = register_cvar("zp_bank_announce_time", "60") cvBankMax = register_cvar("zp_bank_max", "2000") Task_Announce() #if defined USING_SQL new configsDir[64] get_configsdir(configsDir, 63) // Declare standard SQL cvars so we don't depend on admin.amxx register_cvar("amx_sql_host", "") register_cvar("amx_sql_user", "root") register_cvar("amx_sql_pass", "") register_cvar("amx_sql_db", "amx") register_cvar("amx_sql_type", "mysql") new cvTable = register_cvar("zp_bank_table", "zp_bank") // Execute SQL configs. You must put zp_bank_table in there server_cmd("exec %s/sql.cfg", configsDir) server_exec() get_pcvar_string(cvTable, g_szSQLTable, charsmax(g_szSQLTable)) g_hSQLTuple = SQL_MakeStdTuple() new iError, szError[256] new Handle:hSQLConnection = SQL_Connect(g_hSQLTuple, iError, szError, charsmax(szError)) if(hSQLConnection != Empty_Handle) { SQL_QueryAndIgnore(hSQLConnection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `%s` (\ auth VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, \ amount INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 \ ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;", g_szSQLTable ) SQL_FreeHandle(hSQLConnection) } else log_amx("plugin_init(): SQL Error #%d - %s", iError, szError) #else g_hVault = nvault_open("zp_bank") if(g_hVault == INVALID_HANDLE) set_fail_state("Can't create/load vault 'zp_bank'")
#endif }
public plugin_end() { // Client's should have already been saved by now (client_disconnect is called before plugin_end). // But it costs nothing to be sure. new iPlayers[32], iNum get_players(iPlayers, iNum) new iPlayer for(new i=0; i < iNum;i++) { iPlayer = iPlayers[i] SaveClient(iPlayer, g_szAuth[iPlayer]) } #if defined USING_SQL SQL_FreeHandle(g_hSQLTuple) #else nvault_close(g_hVault) #endif }
public client_putinserver(id) { static szAuth[36] get_user_authid(id, szAuth, charsmax(szAuth)) copy(g_szAuth[id], charsmax(g_szAuth[]), szAuth) LoadClient(id, szAuth) }
public client_disconnect(id) { SaveClient(id, g_szAuth[id]) g_szAuth[id][0] = 0 g_iAmmoPacks[id] = 0 g_iSessionMovement[id] = 0 }
new msgSayText = -1 stock bool:SayText(const receiver, sender, const msg[], any:...) { if(msgSayText == -1) msgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText") if(msgSayText) { if(!sender) sender = receiver static buffer[512] vformat(buffer,charsmax(buffer), msg, 4) if(receiver) message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE,msgSayText,_,receiver) else message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST,msgSayText) w rite_byte(sender) write_string(buffer) message_end() return true } return false }
public Task_Announce() { static iPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer get_players(iPlayers, iNum) for(new i=0; i < iNum;i++) { iPlayer = iPlayers[i] SayText(iPlayer, iPlayer, ZP_BANK_FMT, LANG_PLAYER, "ZP_BANK_ANNOUNCE") } set_task(get_pcvar_float(cvAnnounceTime), "Task_Announce") }
public Command_Say(id) { static szArgs[32] read_args(szArgs, charsmax(szArgs)) remove_quotes(szArgs) static szArg1[32], szArg2[32] parse(szArgs, szArg1, charsmax(szArg1), szArg2, charsmax(szArg2)) new iCommand = 0 if(equali(szArg1, "/deposit")) iCommand = CMD_DEPOSIT else if(equali(szArg1, "/withdraw")) iCommand = CMD_WITHDRAW else if(equali(szArg1, "/bank")) iCommand = CMD_INFO if(iCommand) { if(iCommand == CMD_INFO) Command_Info(id) else { new iValue = str_to_num(szArg2) if(iValue <= 0) SayText(id, id, ZP_BANK_FMT, id, "ZP_BANK_INVALID_AMOUNT") else if(iCommand == CMD_DEPOSIT) Command_Deposit(id, iValue) else Command_Withdraw(id, iValue) } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE }
Command_Info(id) { SayText(id, id, ZP_BANK_FMT, id, "ZP_BANK_LOAD", g_iAmmoPacks[id] + g_iSessionMovement[id], g_szAuth[id]) } Command_Deposit(id, iDeposit) { new iCurrentAmount = zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) if(!iCurrentAmount) { SayText(id, id, ZP_BANK_FMT, id, "ZP_BANK_NO_AMMO") return } if(iDeposit > iCurrentAmount) iDeposit = iCurrentAmount new iCurrent = g_iAmmoPacks[id] + g_iSessionMovement[id] new iSum = iCurrent + iDeposit new iBankMax = get_pcvar_num(cvBankMax) if(iBankMax && iSum > iBankMax) { iDeposit = iBankMax - iCurrent iSum = iBankMax SayText(id, id, ZP_BANK_FMT, id, "ZP_BANK_MAX", iBankMax) } if(iDeposit) { g_iSessionMovement[id] += iDeposit SayText(id, id, ZP_BANK_FMT, id, "ZP_BANK_DEPOSIT", iDeposit, iSum) // zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, iCurrentAmount - iDeposit) } }
Command_Withdraw(id, iWithdraw) { new iDeposited = g_iAmmoPacks[id] + g_iSessionMovement[id] if(!iDeposited) { SayText(id, id, ZP_BANK_FMT, id, "ZP_BANK_EMPTY") return } if(iWithdraw > iDeposited) iWithdraw = iDeposited g_iSessionMovement[id] -= iWithdraw SayText(id, id, ZP_BANK_FMT, id, "ZP_BANK_WITHDRAW", iWithdraw, iDeposited - iWithdraw) zp_set_user_ammo_packs(id, zp_get_user_ammo_packs(id) + iWithdraw) } Добавлено (2009-07-04, 3:57 Am) --------------------------------------------- ну так тут есть кто понимает amxx или только умеют с офф сайта переводить где помощи недождаться
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